Luis Carvalho, Head of Investments at Credito Agricola Gest

Luis Carvalho

Head of Investments
Credito Agricola Gest

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Embracing The New Fixed Income World

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

11:45 Oxford Style Debate: Will Quantative Easing have a positive or negative effect on your fixed income trading?

Quantative Easing (QE) is nothing new to global markets; similar regimes have already ended in the US and are running in other locations such as Japan. However, with QE commencing in the Eurozone, does this represent a positive change, or will this negatively impact your fixed income portfolio. Attend this session to find out:
  • Are there more pros than cons to QE in Europe for the economy?
  • Will QE bring more opportunities or challenges to the fixed income industry?
  • Will the impact of QE have the intended consequences on interest rates?
  • End of QE in US and beginning of QE in Europe- Is this good or bad for firms based in Europe?