Javier Dominguez, Managing Partner at Auriga Global Investors

Javier Dominguez

Managing Partner
Auriga Global Investors

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Javier.

Download The Latest Agenda

Embracing The New Fixed Income World

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

11:45 Oxford Style Debate: Will Quantative Easing have a positive or negative effect on your fixed income trading?

Quantative Easing (QE) is nothing new to global markets; similar regimes have already ended in the US and are running in other locations such as Japan. However, with QE commencing in the Eurozone, does this represent a positive change, or will this negatively impact your fixed income portfolio. Attend this session to find out:
  • Are there more pros than cons to QE in Europe for the economy?
  • Will QE bring more opportunities or challenges to the fixed income industry?
  • Will the impact of QE have the intended consequences on interest rates?
  • End of QE in US and beginning of QE in Europe- Is this good or bad for firms based in Europe?

Exploring Next Generation Fixed Income Trading

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

15:20 Crystal Ball Session: Fixed income markets of the future- What will the industry look like once the dust has settled?

As seen throughout the themes of this conference, the FX industry is in the midst of going through radical change, from both a regulatory and technological aspect, but when the dust settles how will the market operate? This forward looking panel will look into their crystal ball and discuss how they expect the FX market to develop over the next 10 years, along with input from the audience. Attend this final interactive session where our panellists will discuss:
  • What will your future buy side trading desk look like?
  • What will the market of buy side, sell side, technology providers and platforms look like in the next 10 years?
  • Connecting to buy and sell side traders- How will technology connect your desks in the future?
  • Who will be the main providers of liquidity once the market settles into a new market structure?
  • Will there be a consolidation of platforms once the market structure becomes more established?